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Hydroponics is the science dedicated to growing plants in a wet media, where all the nutrients are added to the water in which the are “potted”., without the use of soil or any other media.
The word hydroponic from the Greek Hydro = Water and Ponos = Work means “work in water”; and it’s exactly that. This method uses water directly, sometimes with the help of inorganic media to help establish the plants roots and give the plant stability.
One of the benefits of growing hydroponically is that the production can be done in any time of the year regardless of the place, because the meteorological phenomenon like rain and dry spells, won’t affect the growing plants.
The most important thing about this method is that it is eco-friendly, since the use of pesticides and herbicides is omitted in the process; also, a great percentage of the water is reused.
Orchids growing in this method can produce even bigger flowers than those grown in conventional ways; the flowering process will accelerate even 30% more. This is a great plus for professional orchid growers or for anyone that’s willing to make the effort and try out this method.
The hydroponics method can be divided in three types according to the technique used to grow plants:

NFT Hydroponics: It allows to grow in PVC squared or round pipes using water and adding nutrients, wothput any type of stabilizing media. These characteristics allow the plant absorb the nutrients and minerals it needs, without having to compete for them.

Floating root Hydroponics: In this technique the grower uses wood, glass or plastic containers and places the pots in a certain place managing the level of the water and being ultra observant of the water’s PH, and adding nutrients. This option is good for those who want to try it and have limited space.

Hydroponics with stabilizing media: These is the most used one when dealing with orchids! In the previous techniques the vases are smaller and “some” stabilizing media won’t work because orchid plants are too big. Use media such as LECA, lava rock, peat moss, perlite and such to give your orchid enough stability and for the roots to be able to attach themselves.
This methods require some investment. How much money? It all depends on how homemade or sophisticated you want to do it. You should be very vigilant about water’s PH and electro conductivity.